Thursday 6 August 2009

wednesday 5th august 2009

We as always had a good meeting we did'nt have Tony guess he had family commitment Ann helpt Ted our new commer to set up a googlemail she was a bit bother if she was able to do it and
did very well. We also had Ann& Jimmys Grandaughter come, she showed us a few thing we did'nt have a clue about but that only shows you the things the young once are able to do on the computer I don't think "I" will ever get to their stage still we do enjoy what we can do so far.
I wish that learning direct would come up with some programs for the over 60th 70th and 80th
that have no need going through programs that needs to have a learning program that at the end of it to applay for a job, yes we all like to learn how to get to email and a lot of our members like to compete against one another this I think is a good stimulation at our age, the good thing all round is we all enjoy it.

1 comment:

  1. Hi all

    You might consider separating the paragraphs with a space. This would make it easier on the eye.

    A different font would do the same for those with eyesight problems.

    To make it unmissable to the group perhaps a photo of what is going on in room that day.

    Regards to everyone

